Another Casting Flaw…D Loop Crashes On The Water
by Jeff Mishler I spent some time last week helping a new-to-the-sport angler/buddy work on his casting. My initial intent was to find a fresh steelhead for him, but his casting flaws brought the line, leader and fly down from the sky in a heap, keeping his fly too close to his casting position for…
Another cool photo I took last spring
Photos I Like
I haven’t loaded any photos onto this site from my fishing adventures for a while. I’ll start with a few, see how it goes, then add more if it feels right. JM
Line Management
New Running Lines for Cold Water Steelheading
I love to fish mono behind my shooting heads. It’s effortless to jack casts of any length and have total control over the swing because mono, being so light, is easy to manipulate when the line is laid out on the water. But if you fish mono a lot, you know that winter steelheading with…
What’s in Your Box?
I don’t trout fish as much as I use to, but when I do, I live by these simple ideals: Choose—Thoughts on Trout Flies Jeff Mishler Store bought or custom tied, these days, either way, rarely does a good fisherman carry a vest load of crappy flies to the river: Fly shops, magazines, blogs, guides,…
Trouble Shoot Your Spey Casting Flaws
July 18, 2013 Casting Issue: Your fly nearly takes your hat off on the forward stroke. This is common when these things happen: 1) You place the anchor too far away from your casting position while thinking, “If I just move it farther away, I’m safer”. The tendency then, is to put too much power…
Introducing Dave Pinczkowski!
If you haven’t seen SM4, please check out Tom Larimer’s introduction of the man who has led many down the path of life with a two handed rod. The video is here JM
Red Shed is having a sale so go buy some fly lines!!!
http://forum.skagitmaster.com/index.php?topic=1142.0 Thanks Poppy!
Amazing, slow sinking, best casting still water line I have ever used!
This goes against the grain of this site, but I do love to cast a single hander long distances and make long slow retrieves for anything that swims. Thanks to Simon Gawesworth, I’ve been jacking those casts with this line: http://www.rioproducts.com/fly-lines/saltwater/coldwater/outbound-short/ The WF/10/SI overloads a 9 foot 10 weight perfectly. The bullet taper turns over…
Skagit Master 4 Update!
I finished editing the show! Man, that was a project. Tom and his buddies did a great job and I can’t wait to get some feedback from the first who buy this one. In fact, there’s so much stuff in the show that we might have to make it a 2 disk set! It…
The show is rendering, so I tied a fly…
Here’s one of my steelhead flies tied on a home made shank, using some polar bear I had lying around…