December 6, 2024
ByJeff Mishler
If you like boats in general, rowing boats, running jet boats, building boats….anything boat related, this podcast with Joe Koffler is your medicine.
October 16, 2024
ByJeff Mishler
This could be my favorite podcast so far. Todd and I share a passion but we approach it differently.
October 4, 2024
ByJeff Mishler
October 4, 2024
ByJeff Mishler
26 episodes a year. I’m still diving deep into the culture of hunting and fishing by interviewing the most interesting people I can find in the world we love. Please pass the link around to your friends. Best always. JM
July 14, 2023
ByJeff Mishler
On July 15, 2023 we release a podcast featuring Simon Gawesworth. If you love flyfishing, flycasting, history, rods, lines, flies, travel, etc…then this podcast is mandatory listening. Thanks for your continued support of Jeff Mishler
May 11, 2023
ByJeff Mishler
My podcast, Fin & Fire with Jeff Mishler is available wherever you find your podcasts. It’s also available on Youtube. You choose where you listen to interviews with the most interesting people in the world of hunting and fishing.
April 5, 2023
ByJeff Mishler
The Fin And Fire Podcast is growing. Jeff Currier will be released on April 15 and John Larison on May 1. It has been a blast to record these interview. Not surprisingly, the Ed Ward Podcast was the most downloaded recording to date.
February 7, 2023
ByJeff Mishler
During the last week of January, 2023, I spent four days back on the Skagit River with Ed Ward. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 15 years since the production of Skagit Master 1. During this trip, hosted by OPST and Pure Skagit, I was able to interview Ed for my Podcast, Fin and […]
January 12, 2023
ByJeff Mishler
Marking up that Ostrich By Jeff Mishler I’m always thinking about how to add realism to a presentation. What entices the fish to respond? If we knew that, I’d run out of things to write about. When I watch predators hunt one thing is clear, predictable behavior settles the predator into predicable pursuit. I can […]
January 11, 2023
ByJeff Mishler
This episode features my long time steelhead fishing friend, Tom Larimer. We go deep into the weeds of Skagit Line Design and the experiences we shared over the years.
January 11, 2023
ByJeff Mishler
In 1994 I was fortunate to go to Kamchatka and take part in the first year of the Kamchatka Steelhead Project. I am often asked, “what did you learn about steelhead?” Here is the actual scientific report from that effort. It blew me away the first time I read it.
December 24, 2022
ByJeff Mishler
December 15, 2022
ByJeff Mishler
December 15, 2022
ByJeff Mishler
Fin and Fire with Jeff Mishler is a podcast you will love. I interview the most interesting people in the world of hunting, fishing and media while discovering the common ground we all share. It’s like sitting around a campfire with your friends, minus the winter chill. Land Tawney, April Vokey, Hank Shaw and […]
December 12, 2022
ByJeff Mishler
Big news! gets a facelift and Skagit Master 5 is LIVE! After years of waiting, you can now purchase access to the last chapter of the Skagit Master Series. Skagit Master 5 features four anglers who have taken the concepts presented in the first four Skagit Master films and applied them to their home […]
February 15, 2022
ByJeff Mishler
If you have been following the saga titled Tyler Corke, featured in Swing the Fly Magazine, you know that the two dirt bags chasing steelhead were bound to part ways. Well, here’s what happened to our protagonist in the years following that epic steelhead trip to BC. Please enjoy and pass along. I know that […]
November 19, 2021
ByJeff Mishler
Bent-Essays and Images by Jeff Mishler $39.99 plus shipping. Regularly $59.99 Available to our friends through December 15, 2021. Deliver in time for holidays inside the US. But you can get a signed book until December 31. 72 pages of images and words from writer/photographer/filmmaker Jeff Mishler. This quality coffee table book deserves a place […]
March 17, 2021
ByJeff Mishler
Since Adobe Flash has run it course and won’t work on my site, I am posting the 4 trailers for our movies here. Until I get the issue fixed, here is the only place on that you can view them. Sorry for the inconvenience.
February 23, 2021
ByJeff Mishler
It has been some time since my last post here on the Skagitmaster site. With a recent upgrade, the blog is a better way to communicate with the 2000 members of this page. To date, I have filmed on the Naknek, featuring my good friend Patricia Edel and her program pursuing HUGE rainbows using spey […]
January 20, 2018
ByJeff Mishler
Nearly two years ago April interviewed me at my home for her podcast. I’m very happy with how this turned out. After spending time on her site, I can see why she’s putting in the effort. Our oral history should not fall into a black hole. Thanks for listening. JM