January 20, 2018
ByJeff Mishler
Nearly two years ago April interviewed me at my home for her podcast. I’m very happy with how this turned out. After spending time on her site, I can see why she’s putting in the effort. Our oral history should not fall into a black hole. Thanks for listening. http://www.aprilvokey.com/podcasts/ JM
September 5, 2012
ByJeff Mishler
The great thing about Affiliate Networks is that you don’t have to do anything to make some $$$ other than post the link on your page in a place where people easily see it. The more Skagit Master DVD sales you generate, the more you make. 12% on $39.99 is about $5. I’ll […]
May 25, 2011
ByJeff Mishler
If you haven’t seen this, you could, if you owned SM2. Or watch it here… I looked through my boxes of flies recently and realized I will most likely never use 90% of them. Every time a new fly concept surfaces, it decreases the likelihood even greater. The Ska-opper is a blast to tie. Pop […]
May 12, 2011
ByJeff Mishler
I’ve been working on a “How To” video channel for steelheaders interested in taking their skills to the next level. We produce the Skagit Master DVD’s to help you move up the ladder by refining angling skills using the latest rods, lines and flies. SM3 promises to do the same, but with your fly tying […]
February 28, 2011
ByJeff Mishler
I forgot how much movement marabou produces when the water is cold, off color and the current not too heavy. Fished these this weekend and love the look. JM
January 25, 2011
ByJeff Mishler
I was wondering how many of you Skagit Master fans would be interested in an HD/Blu Ray version of our shows. The best player for Blu Ray I’ve discovered is a Sony Play Station. So, if you have one of those or a Blu Ray player, are you game? The retail would be […]
January 4, 2011
ByJeff Mishler
As of December 28th, our fulfillment company has begun filling pre orders. No more 3 week wait. If you order now, you will receive the DVD in a matter of days. Yippie. Thanks, Jeff Mishler
December 11, 2010
ByJeff Mishler
Go ahead. Buy now. But please allow 3 full weeks for delivery. This will change by Xmas and we will be on a regular delivery schedule. Thanks, JM
December 2, 2010
ByJeff Mishler
Sorry for the long wait and delay. I’m about to put this to bed. Should have the Volume 2 button above activated by early next week for purchases of “Skagit Master Volume 2 Featuring Scott Howell, Steelheading Outside the Box”. I’m currently cutting a killer trailer for you all. I’ll post it here and on […]
November 11, 2010
ByJeff Mishler
This one looks like food
October 29, 2010
ByJeff Mishler
Been editing Skagit Master 2 Featuring Scott Howell for, oh it seems about 5 years now….The hard part is deciding what to leave on the cutting room floor because if I put it all in the show, you’d be looking at 5 hours of fishing…and who wants to do that right? Right? Ah c’mon. You […]
August 15, 2010
ByJeff Mishler
The fiscal demands of life require that I travel to work until the 21st of August. All is good with production. The NU was great. Stay tuned for Skagit Master Volume 2 Featuring Scott Howell info.
August 8, 2010
ByJeff Mishler
The next 5 days I hope to be full of popping, skating, rushing rises, jumping fish and a big sigh of relief. We’re wrapping things up. As this schedule is winding down I’m realizing that I probably won’t have the DVD ready for release until the first week of October….Hope you can wait that long. […]
July 26, 2010
ByJeff Mishler
Starting this Wednesday. Finally! I spent Thursday and Friday on the North, and though the water conditions are great, I didn’t much sign of steelhead. One great toilet bowl flush around my skater and word from Howell that his client landed a nice fish that evening. 5 more days of shooting and we’re locking it […]
July 19, 2010
ByJeff Mishler
Thanks to the people at SAGE and Rio Products, we got to cast many new rods and match them to various lines during the production of Skagit Master Volume 2. One killer outfit turned out to be a Z Axis 7126-4 and 525 gr. Skagit Short with 12 feet of T-14 or T-17. In tight […]
July 19, 2010
ByJeff Mishler
Skagit Master Volume 2, featuring Scott Howell is near completion. We think we’re gonna call it “Chasing Steelhead with Two Hands”. The film contains a lot of thinking outside the box steelheader stuff, like how to get your fly down through 6-8 feet of fast, cold winter water to resting steelhead. Basalt bedrock rivers like […]