September 9, 2016
ByJeff Mishler While its true that the recent management of the Lower Deschutes has produced higher water temps earlier in the summer and lower water temps earlier in late summer and that has postponed the early returns of summer steelhead in the last few years, the quality of the water coming from the mixing tower […]
August 29, 2012
ByJeff Mishler
ODFW has put a lot of effort into selling us a wild winter steelhead broodstock program as an alternative to out of basin hatchery programs. Sure, lots of fish come back. Sure, you can keep them because they’re clipped. (Who wants to eat a winter steelhead?) And yes, the guides love them because the winter […]
August 31, 2011
ByJeff Mishler
Rounded a bend in the road near the big cut I posted a couple years ago and what did I find? A big, nasty landslide directly above a tributary of one the most productive winter steelhead and fall chinook rivers in our state. I can hear ODF’s line already, “Our Geo Tech checked that site […]
May 2, 2011
ByJeff Mishler
Thanks to Bob Van Dyk we are in the loop on this issue. Oregon State University just released a report blasting The Oregon Department of Forestry for using old science in their management plan of the Tillamook/Clatsop State Forest. Conservationists and other ESA advocates have been claiming this for a while. Finally the […]
August 8, 2010
ByJeff Mishler
August 6, 2010 RE: Petition to Commission and new language in 2011 Angling Regulations prohibiting the use of Sodium Sulfite in Cured Eggs…“Except Eggs Cured with Sodium Sulfite” To the Commission: Thanks for this opportunity to address you in this forum. I commend the staff for taking this issue to the commercial cure manufacturers. Indeed […]