Another Intruder
This one looks like food
Getting Close To The End
Been editing Skagit Master 2 Featuring Scott Howell for, oh it seems about 5 years now….The hard part is deciding what to leave on the cutting room floor because if I put it all in the show, you’d be looking at 5 hours of fishing…and who wants to do that right? Right? Ah c’mon. You…
Back from Chasing Bones
Time to finish the DVD. Check out the beauty I called in for my good friend JD.
Tis the Season….
Tough choices: This Or This! Out of the office chasing bones till Sept 20th…
Editing hard after four days on the Big D.
It had been nearly 20 years since my dad and I floated the big D together. Thankfully, a couple good buddies have fathers about my Dad’s age and they hit it off. Big Time! Can you say “We went to Brown Town early and full speed!” While my dad struggled with the two hander, he…
Back From the NU, but gone for a week
The fiscal demands of life require that I travel to work until the 21st of August. All is good with production. The NU was great. Stay tuned for Skagit Master Volume 2 Featuring Scott Howell info.
Last Days of Production
The next 5 days I hope to be full of popping, skating, rushing rises, jumping fish and a big sigh of relief. We’re wrapping things up. As this schedule is winding down I’m realizing that I probably won’t have the DVD ready for release until the first week of October….Hope you can wait that long.…
My Testimony to Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission
August 6, 2010 RE: Petition to Commission and new language in 2011 Angling Regulations prohibiting the use of Sodium Sulfite in Cured Eggs…“Except Eggs Cured with Sodium Sulfite” To the Commission: Thanks for this opportunity to address you in this forum. I commend the staff for taking this issue to the commercial cure manufacturers. Indeed…
The Last 5 Days of Shooting
Starting this Wednesday. Finally! I spent Thursday and Friday on the North, and though the water conditions are great, I didn’t much sign of steelhead. One great toilet bowl flush around my skater and word from Howell that his client landed a nice fish that evening. 5 more days of shooting and we’re locking it…
You Made It Possible
Just looked back at our sales records and thanks to a ton of Ed Ward fans and some loyal fly shops, we’re now planning more projects under the Skagit Master Brand…. The entire Skagit Master series will consist of: Volume 1 Featuring Ed Ward, Volume 2 Featuring Scott Howell, Volume 3 Featuring Flies, Flies and…
Perfect Rod/Line Combo for tight spots
Thanks to the people at SAGE and Rio Products, we got to cast many new rods and match them to various lines during the production of Skagit Master Volume 2. One killer outfit turned out to be a Z Axis 7126-4 and 525 gr. Skagit Short with 12 feet of T-14 or T-17. In tight…
Skagit Master Volume 2 Coming in Sept.
Skagit Master Volume 2, featuring Scott Howell is near completion. We think we’re gonna call it “Chasing Steelhead with Two Hands”. The film contains a lot of thinking outside the box steelheader stuff, like how to get your fly down through 6-8 feet of fast, cold winter water to resting steelhead. Basalt bedrock rivers like…
Skagit Master Blog Starts Now!
Welcome to the new Skagit Master Blog, a place where you are invited to be part of our world of steelhead fishing as we produce our DVD series. The Skagit Master Blog features the insights of Skagit Master DVD hosts Ed Ward (volume 1), Scott Howell (volume 2-to be release September of 2010) and Skagit…
Just back from BC. Skagit Master Volume 2 underway!
After two weeks of hard core, get’ er done, up at 5 am, to bed at midnight, in the land of gigantic steelhead, Scott and I wrapped up a stretch of successful shoot days, ending the chapter that will be a large component to the upcoming DVD, Skagit Master Volume 2, Featuring Scott Howell. We…
Skagit Master Channel to feature previews of Scott Howell DVD
Check out the previews to Scott Howell’s upcoming DVD, Skagit Master Volume 2 Featuring Scott Howell. We’re deep into production and plan to release the DVD in September of 2010. Skagit Master Channel