Skagitmaster 5 Update
It has been some time since my last post here on the Skagitmaster site. With a recent upgrade, the blog is a better way to communicate with the 2000 members of this page. To date, I have filmed on the Naknek, featuring my good friend Patricia Edel and her program pursuing HUGE rainbows using spey…
Skagit Compared to Scandi Casting
Rigging Hooks 3 Types Of Flies Part 3
Increase Your Distance
Rigging Hooks 3 Types Of Flies Part 2
Rigging Hooks 3 Types Of Flies Part 1
SAGE X 990-4 A Cannon in the Hand by Jeff Mishler After winter steelhead season winds down, the months of May and June mean long hours spent casting shooting tapers into the wind hoping that, on at least one presentation, a spring chinook eats my fly. By the end of the day, a ten weight…
Another 7120-4 X Rod Review
7120-4 X Rod Jeff Mishler Okay, I’ve changed my mind. The 7120-4 X rod is a dual purpose stick with the right line. I know that I stated that I would leave the heavy sink tip work to my 8 weights, but…… Quite by accident, I found myself on the coast with one spey rod…
Power On The Forward Stroke Part 4
Casting Stokes For Two Rod Styles
SAGE 7120-4 X Rod–Review
SAGE X Series—7120-4 Jeff Mishler February and March is prime time for winter steelhead here in Oregon. The rods I use are 8 weights for two very good reasons: 1) I’m usually chucking heavy sink tips and weighted flies so the 8 weight rocks that gear. 2) I’m often fighting a wild fish that I…
The Decline of the Deschutes!
In an age when water quality is recognized as a limiting factor for successful/sustainable salmonid populations, it really is amazing how far this river has fallen. The idea of creating pre-dam conditions and safe passage for sockeye to the historical spawning in the Metolius River was novel, but the implementation has left out serious aspect…
SAGE 7130-4 MOD Review
SAGE 7130-4 MOD One spey rod. Choose just one….. That is a tall order. In fact, it might be easier to hypothetically design the perfect spey rod in your mind, then wiggle a bunch of commercially made sticks to find the one that conforms to your idea of perfect. Good luck with that. The absolute…
Power On The Forward Stroke Part 3
Cast Step Swing….The process
Check out this short clip I made addressing the sequence I use when fishing down a steelhead run. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWvOBb3kfQ0 The key is to angle your steps downstream towards the bank so that you can step straight out again when you are ready to cast—a zig zag, Z shaped move. Of course, it has to be a…
Deschutes River Alliance is getting busy!
http://www.deschutesriveralliance.org While its true that the recent management of the Lower Deschutes has produced higher water temps earlier in the summer and lower water temps earlier in late summer and that has postponed the early returns of summer steelhead in the last few years, the quality of the water coming from the mixing tower…
Tme to Check out the Skagit Master You Tube Channel
I’ve added a ton of new clips. If you like them and you haven’t bought a membership or all of the DVDs, what’s keeping you? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe2v9bvlgMtGxTFjL00QP6w