Okay, here goes…
I’m developing Volume 3 and so far sponsor interest is strong. I want to feature steelhead flies, in their full glory, or not. I plan to explore traditional flies a bit but focus mostly on modern steelhead fly concepts: materials, design, hooks, shanks, rigging, etc…I also plan to feature some non-celeb type tiers because after all, we already know what the famous tiers are doing…Right?
So without giving away the entire show, I’m open for a bit of input. What’s cool about steelhead flies? Why do you think your flies work? Do you believe in the bright water/bright fly, dark water/dark fly myth? What’s more important, that the fly represent a food source to stimulate a latent response, or should the fly intrude the fish’s space and aggravate it into biting?
This should give you something to chew on…
And don’t be offended if I don’t include your thoughts.